J. Tinsley Oden Refereed Conference Publications

J. Tinsley Oden and colleagues share a moment of repose in front of the UT Tower.

J. Tinsley Oden and colleagues share a moment of repose in front of the UT Tower.


  1. Prudhomme, Serge; Bouclier, Robin; Chamoin, Ludovic; Ben Dhia, Hachmi; Oden, J.Tinsley
    “Analysis of an averaging operator for atomic-to-continuum coupling methods by the Arlequin approach.” Engquist, Björn (ed.) et al., Numerical analysis of multiscale computations. Proceedings of a winter workshop at the Banff International Research Station 2009, Canada, December 6–11, 2011. Berlin: Springer. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, v. 82, pp. 369-400, 2012.
  2. Prudhomme, S.; Chamoin, L.; Ben Dhia, H.; Bauman, P.T.; and Oden, J. T. “Analysis of an averaging operator for atomic-to-continuum coupling methods by the Arlequin approach,” Proceedings of Banff Workshop, December 2009, Springer Verlag.
  3. Oden, J. T.; Hawkins, A.; and Prudhomme, S.  “Mixed Finite Element Methods for Predictive Phase-Field Models of Tumor Growth,” Proceedings of MAFELAP 2009.
  4. Feng, Y.; Fuentes, David; H., Andrea; Oden, J. T., “MRTI-Based Optimization and Real-Time Laser Surgical Control for Cancer Treatment Using Fast Inverse Analysis Techniques,” Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, BMEI, pp. 168-172, 2008.
  5. Bajaj, C.; Oden, J.T.; Diller, K.; Browne, J.C.; Hazle, J.; Babuska, I.; Bass, J.; Bidaut, L.; Demkowicz, L.; Elliott, A.; Feng, Y.; Fuentes, D.; Kwon, B.; Prudhomme, S.; Stafford, R.J. and Zhang, Y.  “Using Cyber-Infrastructure for Dynamic Data Driven Laser Treatment of Cancer,” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Science, Beijing, China, May 27-30, 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 4487, pp. 972-979, 2007.
  6. Bauman, Paul. T.; Bass, J.; Oden, J. T.; and Prudhomme, S., “Adaptive multiscale modeling of polymers with Arlequin coupling,” Presented at the Ninth U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, San Francisco, California, July 23-26, 2007.
  7. Prudhomme, S.;Bauman, P.; Ben Dhia, H.; Elkhodja, N.; and Oden, J.T. “On an Adaptive Approach for Atomistic-to Continuum Coupling Methods, presented at International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation (ADMOS) 2007, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain.
  8. Prudhomme, S.; Bauman, P.; Ben Dhia, H.; Elkhodja, N.; and Oden, J.T, “Adaptive Modeling for Atomistic-to-Continuum Coupling Methods, Invited presentation given at Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Oberwolfach-Walke, Germany, June 10-16, 2007, Report No. 29/2007 Adaptive Numerical Methods for PDEs, organized by Rolf Rannacher, Endre Suli, and Rudiger Verfurth.
  9. Oden, J. T.; Prudhomme, S.; Bauman, P.T.; and Bass, J.M., “Adaptive Multi-Scale Modeling: Goals Algorithms for Adaptive Error Control” 17th US Army Symposium on Solid Mechanics, April 3-5, 2007.
  10. Oden, J. T. “A Dynamic Data-Driven System for Laser Treatment of Cancer,” presentation given at the SC06 Conference, Tampa, Florida, November 11-17, 2006.
  11. Oden, J.T.; Diller, K.R.; Bajaj, C.; Browne, J.C; Hazle, J.; Babuska, I.; Bass, J.; Demkowicz, L.; Feng, Y.S.; Fuentes, D.; Prudhomme, S.; Rylander, M.N.; Stafford, and Zhang, Y. “Development of a Computational Paradigm for Laser Treatment of Cancer,” Proceedings of the ICCS Conference on Advancing Science through Computation at the University of Reading, UK, May 28-31, 2006. Edited by V.N. Alexandrov, et.al., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 3993, pp. 530-537, 2006.
  12. Feng, Y.; Rylander, M.N.; Bass, J.; Oden, J.T.; Diller, K.  “Optimal Design of Laser Surgery for Cancer Treatment Through Nanoparticle-Mediated Hyperthermia Therapy.”  Paper presented at BioNano 2005 Conference, Anaheim, CA, May 8-12, 2005, NSTI Nanotech 2006-Technical Proceedings, v. 1, pp. 39-42, 2006.
  13. Prudhomme, S.; Bauman, P.; and Oden, J.T.  “Control of Molecular Statics Simulations Based on Goal-Oriented Adaptivity.”  Adaptive Modeling and Simulation 2005, P. Diez and N. -E. Wiberg, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation, Barcelona, Spain, 8-10 September 2005, pp. 115-118, 2005.
  14. Fuentes, D.; Littlefield, D.; Oden, J.T.; and Prudhomme, S.  “Error Control in Finite Element Approximations of Nonlinear Problems in Mechanics.”  Adaptive Modeling and Simulation 2005, P. Diez and N. -E. Wiberg, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation, Barcelona, Spain, 8-10 September 2005, pp. 157-160, 2005.
  15. Oden, J. T. and Babuska, Ivo. “A Computational Strategy for Verification and Validation in Computational Mechanics.  Part 1:  The Deterministic Case”, Proceedings of the Seventh U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 27-31, 2003, published on CD, 2004.
  16. Oden, J.T.; Browne, J.C.; Babuska, I.; Bajaj, C.; Demkowicz, L.F.; Gray, L.; Bass, J.; Feng, Y.S.; Prudhomme, S.; Nobile, F.; and Tempone, R. “A Dynamic Data Driven Infrastructure for Reliable Computer Simulations”, Proceedings of the Computational Science – ICCS 2004 Conference, Marian Bubak, G. Dick Van Albada, Peter M.A. Sloot, and Jack Dongarra (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 2004.
  17. Babuska, I.I.; Nobile, F.; Oden, J.T.; and Tempone, R.  “Reliability, Uncertainty, Estimates, Validation and Verification” in the Proceedings of the workshop on Elements of Predictability, John Hopkins University, in Baltimore, MD, November 13-14, 2003.
  18. Nobile, F.; Babuska, I.; Feng, Y.; Oden, J.; Prudhomme, S.; Tempone, R.  “Validation and Verification in Solid Mechanics,” presented at ADMOS 2003, Goteborg, Sweden, Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 2003.
  19. Oden, J.T; Prudhomme, S.; and Romkes, A.  “Recent Developments in a Posteriori Error Estimation for Discontinuous Galerkin Methods,” in Proceedings of the WCCM V, Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 7–12, 2002 in Vienna, Austria. Eds.: H.A. Mang, F.G. Rammerstorfer, and J. Eberhardsteiner.
  20. Oden, J. T.  “A Posteriori Estimation of Modeling and Approximation Error in Computational Science and Engineering: New Tools for Verification and Validation of Computer Simulations,” in Proceedings of the WCCM V, Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 7–12, 2002 in Vienna, Austria. Eds.: H.A. Mang, F.G. Rammerstorfer, and J. Eberhardsteiner.
  21. Oden, J. T. and Prudhomme, S. “Adaptive Modeling in Computational Solid Mechanics”, Proceedings of the Guanajuato 2002 II Congreso Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas, Edited by E. Oñate, F. Zarate, G. Ayala, S. Botello and M.A. Moreles, CIMNE, Barcelona, v. 1, pp. 1-7, 2002.
  22. Oden, J.T. and Prudhomme, S., “Verification Of Simulations Using A Posteriori Error Estimation,” Proceedings of the Sixth U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Dearborn, MI, August 1-3, 2001.
  23. Prudhomme, S.; Oden, J. T.; Romkes, A.; and Pascal, F., “A Priori And A Posteriori Error Estimation For A Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Approximations,” Proceedings of the Sixth U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Dearborn, MI, August 1-3, 2001.
  24. Oden, J. T.; Vemaganti, Kumar S.; and Romkes, A. “Adaptive modeling of Heterogeneous Materials:  A Goal-Oriented Approach to the Problem of Model Selection.” Proceedings of the Sixth U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics in Dearborn, Michigan August 1-3, 2001.
  25. Oden, J.T.; Prudhomme, S.; Botkin, M. E.; Bass, Jon; and Westermann, T., “Goal-Oriented Error Estimation And Adaptation For Industrial Applications,” Proceedings of the Sixth U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics in Dearborn, Michigan August 1-3, 2001.
  26. Prudhomme, S.; Oden, J. T.; Romkes, A.; and Carey, G. F., “On A Posteriori Error Estimator for the Discontinuous Galerkin Methods,” Proceedings of the DOD HPCMP UGC2001 to be Biloxi, Mississippi, June 18-21, 2001.
  27. Prudhomme, S. And Oden, J.T., “Simple Techniques To Improve The Reliability Of A Posteriori Error Estimates For Finite Element Approximations,” Proceedings of the ECCM 2001:  Second European Conference on Computational Mechanics in Cracow, Poland, June 26-29, 2001.
  28. Oden, J. T.; Prudhomme, S.; Westermann, T.; and Bass, J., “Progress On Practical Methods Of Error Estimation For Engineering Calculations”, Proceedings of the ECCM 2001:  Second European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Cracow, Poland, June 26-29, 2001.
  29. Littlefield, D. L.; Oden, J. T.; Prudhomme, S., “A Posteriori Error Estimation in highly nonlinear Impact Problems”, Proceedings of the IUTAM Congress, Chicago, Illinois, August 27-September 2, 2000.
  30. Littlefield, D.; Oden, J. T., and Carey, G. F.  “Adaptive Mesh Refinement in CTH:  Implementation of Block-Adaptive Multi-Material Refinement and Advection Algorithms.”  Presented DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program Users Group Conference 2000, June 5-8, 2000 in Albuquerque, NM.
  31. Oden, J. T.; Prudhomme, S.; and Littlefield, D., “A Posteriori Error Estimation for Highly Nonlinear Impact Problems,” Proceedings of the ICTAM 2000 Conference, Chicago, IL, August 27 – September 2, 2000.
  32. Oden, J. T.; Rodin, G.; Vemaganti, Kumar; and Fu, Yusheng, “Adaptive modeling of heterogeneous materials: Theory, fast summation methods and applications,” Proceedings of the ICTAM 2000 Conference, Chicago, IL, August 27 – September 2, 2000.
  33. McLay, R.; Prudhomme, S.; Carey, G.F.; and Oden, J.T. “A Platform for Testing Error Indicators in Hypervelocity Impact Problems.” Proceedings the Finite Elements in Flow Problems 2000 Conference, The University of Texas at Austin, April 30 – May 4, 2000 in Austin, TX.
  34. Prudhomme, S. and Oden, J.T.  “A posteriori Error Estimation in Fluid Mechanics.”  Proceedings of the Finite Elements in Flow Problems 2000 Conference, The University of Texas at Austin, April 30 – May 4, 2000 in Austin, TX.
  35. Oden, J.T. and Prudhomme, S.  “A Goal-Oriented Adapted Approach to Enhance Local Structures in Numerical Flows.”  Proceedings of the Finite Elements in Flow Problems 2000 Conference, The University of Texas at Austin, April 30 – May 4, 2000 in Austin, TX.
  36. Oden, J. T. and Vemaganti, K.S.  “Recent Advances in Adaptive Modelling of Heterogeneous Media.”  Proceedings of the MAFELAP Conference, 1999 at Brunel University in London, England.
  37. Oden, J.T. and Vemaganti, K.  “Adaptive Modeling of Heterogeneous Media: local estimates of modeling error.”  Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM99), Aug 31- Sep 3, 1999 in Munich, Germany.
  38. Oden, J.T. and Prudhomme, S.  “Goal-Oriented Error Estimation and Adaptivity in FEA.”  Proceedings of the USNCCM 99 Congress on Computational Mechanics, Aug 3 – 6, 1999 in Boulder, CO.
  39. Cho, J.R.; Kim, B.G.; Ha, D.Y.; and Oden, J.T. “Thermo-Elastoplastic Characteristics of Functionally Graded Composites. “ Proceedings of the USNCCM 99 Congress on Computational Mechanics, Aug 3 – 6, 1999 in Boulder, CO.
  40. Oden, J.T. and Vemaganti, K.  “Hierarchical Modeling of Heterogeneous Materials: a progress report.”  Proceedings of the USNCCM 99 Congress on Computational Mechanics, Aug 3 – 6, 1999 in Boulder, CO.
  41. David, L., Oden, J. T. and Graham, C.  “Implementation of Adaptive Mesh Refinement into an Eulerian Hydrocode.” Proceedings of the 9th Department of Defense High Performance Computing Users Group Conference, June 7-10, 1999, Monterey, CA.
  42. Abani, P.; Atanas, P., David, L.; Graham, C.; and Oden, J. T. “Application of Error Indicators and Local Adaptive Refinement for Elasto-Plastic Impact Calculation (EPIC).”  Proceedings of the 9th Department of Defense High Performance Computing Users Group Conference, June 7-10, 1999, Monterey, CA.
  43. Oden, J.T. and Baumann, C.  “A Conservative DGM for Convection-Diffusion and Navier-Stokes Problems”, Proceedings of the DGM International Symposium, Providence, RI, May 24-26, 1999.
  44. David J. L., Oden, J. T., David C., and Gene, H.  “Implementation of Adaptive Mesh Refinement into an Eulerian Hydrocode.”  Proceedings of the 15th U.S. Army Symposium on Solid Mechanics, Myrtle Beach, SC, April 12-16, 1999.
  45. Moës, N.; Oden, J. T.; and Vemaganti, K.  “A Simplified Method for the Analysis of Complex Structures Based on an Extended Homogenization Technique.” Proceedings of the WCCM IV in Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 29-July 3, 1998.
  46. Duarte, C.A.; Babuska, I.; and Oden, J.T.  “Generalized Finite Element Methods for Three-Dimensional Structural Mechanics Problems.” Modeling and Simulation Based Engineering, edited by S.N. Atluri and P.E. O’Donoghue, v. 1, pp. 53-58, 1998.  Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Engineering Science, October 5-9, 1998 in Atlanta, GA.
  47. Reddy, M. P.; Deb, Manas K.; Westermann, T. A.; and Oden, J. T., “Solution Adaptive hp-Finite Element Analysis of incompressible Nonisothermal Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows”, Proceedings of the Symposium on Flows in Manufacturing Process during the 1998 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, ASME Fluids Engineering Conference and Exhibition Washington DC, June 21-25, 1998.
  48. Oden, J.T. and Prudhomme, S.  “New Approaches to Error Estimation and Adaptivity for the Stokes and Oseen Equations”, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Finite Elements in Fluids.  Edited by M. Hafez and J.C. Heinrich. January 5-8, 1998 in Tucson AZ, pp. 181-189, 1998.
  49. Oden, J.T. and Prudhomme, S., “New Approaches to Error Estimation and Adaptivity for the Navier-Stokes Equations”, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Finite Elements in Fluids.  Edited by M. Hafez and J.C. Heinrich. January 5-8, 1998 in Tucson AZ, pp. 144-149, 1998.
  50. Baumann, C. E. and Oden, J. T., “A Discontinuous hp Finite Element Method for the Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations”, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Finite Elements in Fluids.  Edited by M. Hafez and J.C. Heinrich. January 5-8, 1998 in Tucson AZ, pp. 162-68, 1998.
  51. Baumann, C. E. and Oden, J. T., “A Discontinuous hp Finite Element Method for the Solution of the Euler Equations of Gas Dynamics.”  Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Finite Elements in Fluids.  Edited by M. Hafez and J.C. Heinrich. January 5-8, 1998 in Tucson AZ. pp. 437-443, 1998.
  52. Moës, N.; Oden, J. T.; and Vemaganti, Kumar.  “A Two-scale Strategy and A Posteriori Error Estimation for Modeling Heterogeneous Structures.” Advances in Adaptive Computational Methods. Edited by P. Ladeveze and J.T. Oden.  A compilation of papers from the Workshop of New Advances in Adaptive Methods in Mechanics, Cachan, France, 17-19 September 1997.  (Series: Studies in Applied Mechanics 47), Elsevier Publications, pp. 115-134, 1998.
  53. Ainsworth, M. and Oden, J.T.  A Posteriori Error Estimation in Finite Element Analysis, Monograph: Computational Mechanics Advances.  Special Issue of Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v. 142, pp. 1-88, 1997.
  54. Oden, J.T. and Duarte, C.A.  “Clouds, Cracks, and FEM’s.” Recent Developments in Computational and Applied Mechanics, B.D. Reddy (Ed.), CIMNE, Barcelona, pp. 302-321, 1997.
  55. Prudhomme, S. and Oden, J.T.  “Adaptive Control of the Error in Direct Numerical Approximations of the Transient Navier-Stokes Equations.” First AFOSR International Conference on Direct Numerical Simulation and Large Eddy Simulation (DNS/LES), (August 4-8, 1997) Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA, 1997.
  56. Oden, J. T.; Zohdi, T. I.; and Cho, J.R.  “Hierarchical Modeling, A Posteriori Error Estimation and Adaptive Methods in Computational Mechanics”, Third ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference and the Second ECCOMAS Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering ECCOMAS 96, 9-13 September 1996, Paris France, pp. 1-11, 1996.
  57. Duarte, C. Armando and Oden, J.T.  “A New Meshless Method to Solve Boundary-Value Problems.” Proceedings of the XVI CILAMCE-Iberian Latin American Conference on Computational Methods for Engineering, Curitiba, Brazil, November 1995.  Edited by R.D. Machado, pp. 90-99, 1996.
  58. Oden, J.T.; Wu, W.; and Ainsworth, M.  “Three-step h-p Adaptive Strategy for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations.” Modeling, Mesh Generation, and Adaptive Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, IMA Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications, v. 75, edited by I. Babuska, J. Flaherty, W. Henshaw, J. Hopcroft, J. Oliger and T. Tezduyar, Springer-Verlag, pp. 347-366, 1995.
  59. Bey, K.S.; Oden, J.T.; and Patra, A.  “A Parallel hp-Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin method for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws.” Proceedings of the 14th IMACS World Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics, Atlanta, GA, July 11-15, v. 2, pp. 569-572, 1994.
  60. Oden, J.T.; Patra, A.; and Feng, Y.  “Parallel Adaptive hp-Finite Element Methods for Problems in Fluid and Solid Mechanics.” Robert L. Taylor Anniversary Volume, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Barcelona, Spain, September 1994.
  61. Oden, J.T.; Deb, M.; Reddy, M.; and Diner, A.  “hp-Solution Adaptive Meshes for Capturing Important Flow Features in Automotive and Aerospace Applications.” Proceedings: Basel World CFD User Days, 1994.  Second World Conference in Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics in Basel, Switzerland May 1-5, 1994, pp. 5.1-5.6, 1994.
  62. Tworzydlo, W.W.; Cecot, W.; Oden, J.T.; and Yew, C.H.  “New Asperity-Based Models of Contact and Friction.” Contact Problems and Surface Interaction in Manufacturing and Tribological Systems, PED-v. 67/TRIB-v. 4, pp. 87-104, 1993.
  63. Oden, J.T.  “Adaptive Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics.” Finite Elements in Fluids, v. 7.  Papers presented at the Seventh International Conference on Finite element Methods in Flow Problems, Huntsville AL.  Edited by T.J. Chung, Hemisphere Publishers, pp. 3-30, 1993.
  64. Oden, J.T.; Patra, A.; and Feng, Y.  “An hp Adaptive Strategy.” Adaptive, Multilevel and Hierarchical Computational Strategies, edited by A.K. Noor, AMD-V. 157, pp. 23-46, 1992.
  65. Oden, J.T.  “Theory and Implementation of High-Order Adaptive hp-methods for the Analysis of Incompressible Viscous Flows.” Computational Nonlinear Mechanics in Aerospace Engineering, edited by S.N. Atluri, AIAA Progress in Aeronautics and Astronautics series, Chapter 9, pp. 321-363, 1992.
  66. Oden, J.T. and Wu, W.  “Progress Report on Numerical Study of Vortex Shedding from Rectrangle by h-p Finite Element Method.”  Paper presented at Texas A&M review meeting, College Station, TX, 1991.
  67. Oden, J.T.  “A General hp-Adaptive Finite Element Method for Broad Classes of Problems in Engineering Analysis.” Abstracts of the IV-ICCCBE 1991 Conference in Tokyo, Japan, pp. 3-10, July 1991.
  68. Oden, J.T, “Smart Algorithms and Adaptive Finite Element Methods in CFD: Their Status and Potential.” Proceedings of the Second National Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Bureau for Continuing Education of the Potchefstroom University for CHE, Vereeniging, South Africa, 24-27 June 1991.
  69. Bey, K.S. and Oden J.T.  “A Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Finite Element Method for High Speed Flows.” AIAA 10th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 24-27, 1991.
  70. Tworzydlo, W., Oden, J.T.; Vadaketh, S.; Berry, C.; and Bass, J.  “Robust Parametric Evaluation Procedures for Dynamic Response of Anisotropic Structures.” Proceeding from the NASA 1990 Conference on Advanced Earth-to-Orbit Propulsion Technology, 1990.
  71. Oden, J.T. and Demkowicz, L.  “h-p Adaptive Finite Element Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics.” Paper presented at Second World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM II),  the University of Stuttgart, August 1990.
  72. Oden, J.T.  “New Developments in Adaptive Finite Element Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics.” Proceedings: MSC Annual User’s Conference, March 1990.
  73. Oden, J.T.; Demkowicz, L.; and Bennighof, J.  “Fluid-Structure Interaction in Underwater Acoustics.” Applied Mechanics Review, (Papers presented at the XI U.S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics, May 21-25, 1990), v. 43, number 5, part 2, pp. S374-S380, May 1990.
  74. Oden, J.T. and Bass, J.M.  “New Developments in Adaptive Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics.” Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Paris, France, January 29-February 2, SIAM, pp. 180-210, 1990.
  75. Oden, J.T.  “Adaptivity and Smart Algorithms for Fluid-Structure Interaction.” AIAA Paper 90-0577.  Papers presented at the 28th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Reno NV, January 8-11, 1990.
  76. Oden, J.T.  “Smart Algorithms and Adaptive Methods for compressible and incompressible Flow: Optimization of the Computational Process.” Computation in the 21st Century, SIAM Publications, Philadelphia, PA, chapter 7, pp. 87-99, 1989.
  77. Oden J.T.  “Progress in Adaptive Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics.” Adaptive Methods for Partial Differential Equations.  Edited by J. Flaherty, P. Paslow, M.S. Shephard, and J.D. Vasilakis.  SIAM Publications, pp. 205-252, 1989.
  78. Oden, J.T.  “Smart Algorithms for Complex Problems in Fluid Dynamics.” Proceedings: 7th Army Conference, West Point, New York: ARO Report 90-1, pp. 149-181, June 1989.
  79. Oden, J. T.  “Smart Algorithms for Complex Problems in Fluid Dynamics.” Computers & Structures.  Special issue of papers presented at the Symposium on Frontiers in Computational Mechanics, MIT, March 1989.
  80. Thornton, E.A; Oden, J.T.; Tworzydlo, W.W.; and Youn, S.K. “Thermo-viscoplastic Analysis of Hypersonic Structures Subjected to Severe Aerodynamic Heating.” Proceedings of the AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC 30th Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Mobile, Alabama, April 3-5, 1989. AIAA Paper 89-1226, 1989.
  81. Oden, J.T.  “New Directions in Computational Fluid Dynamics: Smart Algorithms and Adaptivity.” Proceedings: Midwestern Mechanic Conference, Michigan Technological University, pp. 1-25, 1989.
  82. Oden, J.T.  “Smart Algorithms and Adaptive Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics.” Proceedings: 12th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, May 28-June 2, 1989.
  83. Oden, J.T.; Strouboulis, T.; and Bass, J.  “Paradigmatic Error Calculations for Adaptive Finite Element Approximations of Convection Dominated Flows.” Recent Advances in Computational Fluid Dynamics, AMD-V. 95.  Edited by T. Tezduyar and T.J.R. Hughes.  ASME Press, 1988, pp. 147-162, 1988.
  84. Oden, J.T.  “Advances in Adaptive Methods in Computational Fluid Mechanics.” Proceedings of the Eringen Symposium.  Joint AM/ES Conference, Berkeley, California, pp. 1-11, 1988.
  85. Oden, J.T, “Adaptive Finite Element Methods in Complex Flow Problems.” Mathematics of Finite Elements with Applications.  Papers presented at the MAFELAP 87 in Uxbridge, England, May 1987. Edited by J.R. Whiteman.  Academic Press, Ltd., London, v. VI, pp. 1-29, 1988.
  86. Fly, Gerald W.; Oden, J. T.; and Pearson, M. L.  “A Hybrid-Stress Finite Element for Linear Anisotropic Elasticity.” Proceedings of the Huntsville Conference, pp. 1-13, May 1988.
  87. Oden, J.T.; Strouboulis, T.; Devloo, P.; Spradley, L.W.; and Price, J.  “An Adaptive Finite Element Strategy for Complex Flow Problems.” AIAA 25th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 1987.
  88. Oden, J.T.  “Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Problems in Solid and Fluid Mechanics, Proceedings: ICASE/NASA Workshop, Hampton, VA, July 1986.
  89. Oden, J.T.; Strouboulis, T.; and Devloo, P.  “Variational Principles and Adaptive Methods for Complex Flow Problems.” Variational Methods in Geosciences: Proceedings of International Symposium on Variational Methods in Geosciences, Norman, Oklahoma, October 15-17, 1985.  Edited by Y. Sasaki, Elsevier Publishers, Amsterdam, pp. 189-200, 1986.
  90. Oden, J.T.; Lin, T.; and Bass, J.  “A Finite Element Analysis of the General Rolling Contact Problem for a Viscoelastic Rubber Cylinder.”  Proceedings of the Tire Society: Fifth Annual Meeting & Conference on Tire Science and Technology, 1986.
  91. Oden, J.T.; Robertson, S.J.; Strouboulis, T.; Devloo, P.; Spradley, L.W.; and McConnaughey, H.V.  “Adaptive and Moving Mesh Finite Element Methods for Flow Interaction Problems.” Proceedings of the Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems.  Antibes, France, July 1986.
  92. Oden, J.T. “Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Problems in Solid and Fluid Mechanics.” Proceedings of the ICASE/NASA Workshop, Hampton VA, July 1986.
  93. Oden, J.T. and Demkowicz, L.  “Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Complex Problems in Solid and Fluid Mechanics.” Proceedings: FEICOM 85, Bombay, Oxford, Pergamon Press, pp. 3-14, 1985.
  94. Oden, J.T.  “Progress on Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Complex Problems in Solid and Fluid Mechanics.” FEMSA, the University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, R. of South Africa, January 1985.
  95. Oden, J.T. and Demkowicz, L.  “A Posteriori Error Estimates and Adaptivity in Finite Element Method.” Proceedings IMSE85.  December 1985.  Edited by Tarun Kant.  Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 3-14, 1985.
  96. Oden, J.T. and Martins, J.A.C.  “New Interface Models of Dynamic Friction Effects in Nonlinear Structural Dynamics.” AIAA’84.  AIAA Paper AIAA-84-0921.  Papers presented at the AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS 25th Structures, Structural Dynamics & Materials Conference Palm Springs CA, May 14-16, 1984 and the AIAA Dynamics Specialists Conference Palm Springs CA, May 17-18, 1984, pp. 90-96, 1984.
  97. Oden, J.T.; Becker, Eric; Lin, T.L.; and Hsieh, K.T.  “Numerical Analysis of Some Problems Related to the Mechanics of Pneumatic Tires: Finite Deformation/Rolling Contact of a Viscoelastic Cylinder and Finite Deformation of Cord-Reinforced Rubber Composites.” Research in Structures and Dynamics-1984.  NASA Conference Publication 2335, Research-in-progress papers presented at Washington DC, October 22-25, pp. 297-313, 1984.
  98. Oden, J.T. and Jacquotte, O.  “A Stable Second-Order Accurate Finite Element Scheme for the Analysis of Two-Dimensional Incompressible Viscous Flows.” 4th International Symposium on Finite Element Methods in Flow Problems, Tokyo, 1982.
  99. Oden, J.T.  “Penalty Method and Reduced Integration for the Analysis of Fluids.” Proceedings: Symposium on Penalty Finite Element Methods in Mechanics, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Phoenix, November 14-19, 1982.
  100. Oden, J.T.  “Analysis of Some Contact Problems in Nonlinear Elasticity.”  Lecture presented at the “Special Year in Numerical Analysis” Conference at the University of Maryland, College Park MD, February 24, 1981.
  101. Oden, J.T.  “Penalty Methods for Constrained Problems in Nonlinear Elasticity.” Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Finite Elasticity.  Edited by D.E. Carlson and R.T. Shield.  Conference Lehigh University August 10-15, 1980.  Martinas Nijhoff, The Hague, pp. 281-300, 1981.
  102. Oden, J.T.  “Penalty-Finite Element Methods for Constrained Problems in Elasticity.” Proceedings of the Seminar on Finite Element Methods Hefei Polytechnical University, Hefei, PRC, May 19-23, 1981.
  103. Oden, J.T.  “Exterior Penalty Methods for Contact Problems in Elasticity.” Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis in Structural Mechanics.  Edited by W. Wunderlich, E. Stein, and K.J. Bathe.  Proceedings of the Europe-U.S. Workshop, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Germany July 28-31, 1980, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 655-665, 1981.
  104. Oden, J.T. and Kikuchi, N.  “Use of Variational Methods for the Analysis of Contact problems in Solid Mechanics.” Variational Methods in the Mechanics of Solids.  Edited by Nemat-Nasser.  Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Variational Methods in the Mechanics of Solids vanston IL, September 1978, Pergamon Press, Oxford, NY, pp. 260-264, 1980.
  105. LeTallec, P. and Oden, J.T.  “On the Existence of Hydrostatic Pressure in Regular Finite Deformations of Incompressible Hyperelastic Solids.” Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Engineering and Applied Science.  Proceedings of a Conference sponsored by the Office of Naval Research, the University of Rhode Island, Kingston RI.  Edited by Robert L. Sternberg, Anthony J. Kalinowski, and John S. Papadakis, pp. 1-13, 1980.
  106. Oden, J.T.  “Recent Developments in the Theory of Finite Element Approximations of Boundary-Value Problems in Nonlinear Elasticity.” FENOMECH ’78.  International Conference on Finite Elements in Nonlinear Mechanics, Stuttgart, West Germany, pp. 1-36, August 1978.
  107. Oden, J.T.  “A Finite Element Analysis of Non-Monotone Elliptic Boundary-Value Problems.” Proceedings of the U.S. Japan Seminar on Interdisciplinary Finite Element Analysis, Cornell University, August 1978.
  108. Oden, J.T.  “Some Results on Existence Theories in Nonlinear Elasticity.” Workshop on Existence Theory in Nonlinear Elasticity.  Edited by J.T. Oden and Ralph Showalter.  Proceedings of Workshop on Existence Theory in Nonlinear Elasticity, University of Texas at Austin, pp. 221-228, 1977.
  109. Oden, J.T.  “Some Convergence Properties of Finite Element Approximations of problems in Nonlinear Elasticity with Multi-Valued Solutions.” Proceedings of the SES Meeting, 1977.
  110. Oden, J.T. and Lee, J.K., “Mixed Hybrid Methods for the Analysis of Potential Flow.” Proceedings: Second International Symposium on Finite Element Methods in Flow Problems, Rapallo, Italy, June 1976.
  111. Oden, J.T.  “Hybrid Finite Element Methods”, Approximation Theory.  Proceedings of the Symposium on Approximation Theory.  Edited by E. Lorenz. Academic Press, NY, v. II, pp. 485-490, 1976.
  112. Oden, J.T.  “Some New Results on the Theory of Hybrid Finite Element Methods.” Mathematical Aspects of the Finite Element Method, Instituto perle Applicazioni del Calcolo and Laboratoio di Analisi Numerica, Rome, December 1975.
  113. Oden, J.T. and Wellford, L.C., Jr.  “Mathematical Features of Finite Element Approximations of Certain Flow Problems, with Emphasis on Convection and Diffusion.” Symposium of Finite Element Methods and Flow Problems, 1974.
  114. Oden, J.T.  “A Theory of Mixed Finite Element Approximations of Non-Self-Adjoint Boundary-Value Problems.” Proceedings: Seventh U.S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics, Boulder, Colorado, pp. 39-51, June 1974.
  115. Oden, J.T.  “Formulation and Application of Certain Primal and Mixed Finite Element Models of Finite Deformations of Elastic Bodies.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Edited by G. Goos and J. Hartmanis, v. 10, 1974.
  116. Oden, J.T.  “Formulation and Application of Certain Primal and Mixed Finite Element Models of Finite Deformations of Elastic Bodies.” Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Part 1, ed. R. Glowinski and J.L. Lions, v. 19, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 334-365, 1974.
  117. Sandidge, D.W. and Oden, J.T.  “Stability and Post-buckling Behavior of Hyperelastic Bodies at Finite Strain by the Finite Element Method.” Developments in Mechanics.  Proceedings of the 13th Midwestern Mechanics Conference, v. 7, paper 23, pp. 305-320, 1973.
  118. Oden, J.T.  “Some Distributional and Convergence Properties of the Finite Element Method, with Applications in Nonlinear Elastodynamics.” Proceedings: ACM National Conference, Atlanta, August 1978.
  119. Oden, J.T.  “Adaptive Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics.” Finite Elements in Fluid.  Edited by T.J. Chung, Hemisphere Publishers, v. 7, pp. 3-30, 1973.
  120. Oden, J.T.; Wu, S.T.; and Chung, T.J.  “Analysis of Rarefied Gas Flow Through an Arbitrary Cross Section by the Finite Element Method.” Proceedings: 13th Midwestern Conference on Applied Mechanics, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, August 13-15, 1973.
  121. Bhandari, D.R. and Oden, J.T.  “A Large Deformation Analysis of Crystalline Elastic-Viscoplastic Materials.” Proceedings: Second International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Berlin, v. 5, part 1, pp. 1-13, September 1973.
  122. Oden, J.T. and Key, S.  “A Note on the Finite Deformations of a Thick Elastic Shell of Revolution.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Berlin, v. 5-Part J., pp. 159-171, September 1972.
  123. Oden, J.T.; Chung, T.J.; and Key, S.  “Analysis of Nonlinear Thermoviscoelastic and Thermoplastic Behavior of Solids of Revolution by the Finite Element Method.” Proceedings: International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Berlin, September 1972.
  124. Oden, J.T.  “Some Aspects of Recent Contributions to the Mathematical Theory of Finite Elements.” Recent Advances in Computational Methods in Structural Mechanics and Design, Proceedings of the Second US-Japan Seminar on Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis and Design, Berkeley, California, ed. by J.T. Oden, R.W. Clough, and Y. Yamamoto, Huntsville Press, Huntsville, pp. 1-36, 1972.
  125. Oden, J.T.  “Variational Principles, Nonlinear Operators, and Finite Element Applications.” Proceedings: ASCE National Structural Engineering Meeting, Cleveland, April 1972.
  126. Oden, J.T.  “Variational Principles, Nonlinear Operators, and Finite Element Applications.” Proceedings: ASCE National Structural Engineering Meeting, Cleveland, April 1972.
  127. Oden, J.T.  “Variational Principles and Finite Element Models.” Proceedings: ASCE National Structural Engineering Meeting, Reprint 1704, Cleveland, OH, April 24-28, 1972.
  128. Oden, J.T.  “Finite Deformation of Elastic Plates, Shells, and Membranes by the Finite Element Method.” IASS Calgary Conference on Shell Structures and Climatic Influences.  Edited by P.G. Glockner and Amin Ghali.  The University of Calgary, Canada, pp. 63-89, July 3-6, 1972.
  129. Oden, J.T. and Key, J.E.  “Note on the Finite Deformations of Thick Elastic Shells of Revolution.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Berlin, Germany, September 1971.
  130. Oden, J.T. and Key, J.E.  “Analysis of Finite Deformations Of Elastic Solids by the Finite Element Method.” High Speed Computing of Elastic Structures: Proceedings of the Symposium of International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Liege, France, August 23-28, 1970 at the Les Congres et Colloques de L’universite de Liege, v. 61, pp. 65-103, 1971.
  131. Oden, J.T.  “Finite Element Models of Nonlinear Operator Equations.” Proceedings: Third Conference on Matrix Methods in Structural Mechanics, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio, pp. 1-18, October 1971.
  132. Oden, J.T.  “Finite Element Approximations of a Class of Nonlinear Operators.”  Paper presented at SIAM Fall meeting, Boston, MA, October 1970.
  133. Aguirre-Ramirez, G.; Oden, J.T.; and Wu, S.T.  “A Numerical Solution of the Boltzmann Equation by the Finite Element Technique.” Proceedings: Seventh International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Italy, 1970.
  134. Oden, J.T.  “Finite Element Formulation of Problems of Finite Deformation and Irreversible Thermodynamics of Nonlinear Continua – A Survey and Extension of Recent Developments.” Japan-U.S. Seminar on Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis and Design, Tokyo, August 1969.
  135. Oden, J.T. and Aguirre-Ramirez, G.  “Finite Element Technique Applied to Heat Conduction in Solids with Temperature Dependent Thermal Conductivity.” Proceedings: ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, 1969.
  136. Oden, J.T.  “A Linear Theory of Coupled Thermoelastic Behaviour and Heat Conduction in Thin Shells.” Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Progress of Shell Structures in the Last Ten Years and its Future Development, Madrid, pp. 1-12, October 1969.
  137. Oden, J.T.  “A Survey of Finite Element Applications in Nonlinear Structural Analysis.” Proceedings, Conference on Applications of Finite Element Methods in Civil Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, pp. 1-38, November 1969.
  138. Oden, J.T. and Kross, D.A.  “Analysis of General Coupled Thermoelasticity Problems by the Finite Element Methods.” Proceedings: Second Conference on Matrix Methods in Structural Mechanics, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio, Paper AFFDL-TR-68-150, pp. 1091-1120, October 1968.
  139. Oden, J.T.  “Finite Element Applications in Linear and Nonlinear Thermo-viscoelasticity.” Discrete and Continuum Concepts in Micro and Macro Mechanics, Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference, Raleigh, NC, November 1967.
  140. Oden, J.T. and Kross, D.A.  “Analysis of General Coupled Thermoelasticity Problems by the Finite Element Methods.” Proceedings: Second Conference on Matrix Methods in Structural Mechanics, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio, Paper AFFDL-TR-68-150, pp. 1091-1120, October 1968.
  141. Oden, J.T.  “Finite Element Applications in Linear and Nonlinear Thermo-viscoelasticity.” Discrete and Continuum Concepts in Micro and Macro Mechanics, Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference, Raleigh, NC, November 1967.
  142. Oden, J.T. and Kubitza, W.K.  “Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Pneumatic Structures, the First International Colloquium on Pneumatic Structures, Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 87-107, 1967.
  143. Oden, J.T.  “Analysis of Large Deformation of Elastic Membranes by the Finite Element Method. Theme II: Role of Research in the Design of Shells.” Proceedings: IASS International Congress on Large-Span Shell, Leningrad, USSR, September 1966.
  144. Oden, J.T. and Neighbors, A.  “Network Topological Formulation of Analyses of Geometrically and Materially Nonlinear Space Frames.” International Conference on Space Structures, v. A7, pp. 1-13, University of Surrey, 1966.